How Children Thrive While Learning a Second or Third Language

66% of the world’s population is multilingual, which means there are billions of people across the globe who can speak two or more languages.


While many of them may have learned multiple languages from a young age, many also go on to learn them as they get older. In fact, children respond incredibly well to new languages, whether it’s their second or third language.


There are several benefits of children learning new languages, including:

New languages teach them about new cultures

One of the most surprising benefits of learning a new language is learning about new cultures. It’s only natural to develop a deeper cultural understanding of other communities, countries, and cultures when you learn to speak their language and adopt their phrases and colloquialisms as time progresses. With greater fluency, children learning new languages learn more about the culture it’s from too.

Learning a new language improves cognitive abilities

Children thrive while learning second or third languages because of how much this process improves their cognitive abilities, brain health and alertness, and creativity. Learning a new language works on their memory, focus, alertness, and responsiveness, alongside their analytical skills and cognitive processing, making them better at school and other areas of their lives.


Children pick up on new languages very quickly

Children generally learn new languages very quickly. They’re a lot more malleable, their brains absorb information faster than adults, and they can function more efficiently, gaining fluency pretty rapidly. It’s incredible how fast they can learn complex structures, dialectics, linguistic norms, and even spelling and listening abilities. They can prove to themselves how capable they are, which is incredible for their self-esteem!


Children learning a new language will definitely thrive in more ways than one, and you’re in for the adventure of a lifetime in helping them be their best selves. Our team here at the Journey Language Center offers language learning for kids, helping them unlock their creative, multilingual side. You can register them for a range of different options at our Language Schools in Denver. Whether you're looking for Spanish language lessons for kids, French lessons, Italian lessons, or aiming for them to Learn Italian in Denver or Learn French in Denver, we've got you covered.